Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Munich, Germany (July 2005)

The afternoon we arrived in Munich, Germany was one of the hottest days of our European trip. The sun was beating down on us as we carried our heavy backpacks around town, searching for a place to sleep for the night. Brows sweating, stomachs rumbling, we looked for somewhere cool to rest and grab a bite. After cruising through an outdoor market we stumbled upon a bratwurst outdoor beer garden. It was almost more of an outdoor cafeteria as there were rows and rows of bench seated tables arranged under groves of shady trees. The tables were packed with people, relaxing with large steins of beer and brats. Figuring "When in Munich," we ordered ourselves a few steins, brats (pouring over the large mustard selection in the condiment area) and settled onto a corner of a table to enjoy our German feast. However, once our filling lunch was done, it was back to the heat. Anticipating our evening festivities at the Hofbrauhaus we didn't want to wear ourselves during the day and decided to leisurely explore. In one of the main squares I came upon a large fountain spraying idyllic cool water - and I don't really know what came over me, but I was so uncomfortable I jumped in - (disregarding the consequences of actually being caught, fined, or even arrested) and leapt around the fountain for a few blissful seconds, much to my friends' surprise. Probably wasn't the smartest move, but I did feel much cooler for the rest of the afternoon.

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