Windsor is famous it's castle, the largest inhabited castle in the world, where Queen Elizabeth II spends many a weekend. It's a qu

ick train ride out of London, and a breath of fresh air from the bustle of the city. While the castle is off limits to visitors, pedestrians can stroll around the perimeter, taking in the hourly changing of the guard ceremony and a few information museums about the castle and its function and purpose. Despite the grandeur and impressive size of the castle, my sister and I found the town of Windsor to be much more entertaining and enjoyable. The streets are quiet, cozy, and idyllic, reminiscent of a storybook. Antique century-old storefronts host a plethora of shoppes; selling everything from meats and fresh cheeses to baubles and souvenirs. There are tourist-pleaser's as well; women dressed in traditional English garments and bonnets stroll the streets carrying baskets of flowers, requesting a few quid in exchange for a picture. My sister and I stumbled upon a "crooked tea house," a tea and crumpet shop that was built to appear off kilter, complete with furniture and accessories that tilted slightly to the right. We also happened upon a new restaurant that was debuting its menu for review. We were seated

and told to draw a number out of a hat, upon which they brought us the dishes those numbers corresponded to. Luckily we liked our selections, so we ended up with a free, gourmet lunch only at the cost of our food critiques. Overall Windsor was an relaxing day trip out of London; I wouldn't recommend staying the night as you might find yourself bored without any nightlife or without enough sights to keep you occupied. Either way, it is definitely a worthwhile jaunt into the country.
1 comment:
Windsor sounds great! I can't believe I was in London for a year and never made it there. It was certainly on my list though, and sounds like a place I would love to visit. Guess that's a great excuse to go back!
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