I met up with Bobby and his friends from Purdue at the campsite. I wasn't able to drive in with the group since I spent the majority of the week setting up my classroom, in nervous anticipation for my first day. (eek!) I arrived to cloudless skies, and warm sun...perfect tank-top weather! The last time I was at the Gorge for Sasquatch my friends and I found ourselves trapped in the middle of a hail storm, so needless to say this warm weather was well received. Bobby brought quite the spread, and cooked up a sausage, vegetable, egg, and cheese casserole for breakfast, and then shrimp tacos for lunch. We hung around the campsite, people watching, playing Catchphrase, and catching some rays before the concert started. 

The show was great, he played the few songs I actually know the words too, "Cornbread," "Satellite," and "Crash," so I actually felt like a legitimate fan being able to sing along. The evening was cool but not too chilly, and we laid back and enjoyed listening to Dave croon, laying back to enjoy the melodies under the stars.
I had to leave pretty early the next morning, after Bobby and I walked to the one coffee stand on the campgrounds and got my much-needed fuel for the drive home. All in all - a great little getaway, back to reality...